Saturday, December 13, 2008

An Heirloom

Last weekend, Kiera and I went to a craft show. It was really neat, but I didn't get to browse the booths the way I did before I had kids. Anyway one of the booths, was wooden baby beds. They were absolutely beautiful and Kiera was attracted to them like a fly to honey. When I heard the price, I politely peeled her off the baby furniture, and was on my way, feeling a little sad. I did happen to catch the website hoping I could buy one after the holidays or at least sometime in the future.

The next day my mom called and asked if she could just send money instead of gifts and I could buy the gifts for Kiera. I said sure, and asked how much do she wanted to spend on her. She named the amount which included her birthday and Christmas. There was more than enough to buy the bed. So, I contacted the guy via the website and he honored his craft show special. We went and picked it up the next day!

Since Kiera has school on her birthday and those days are rushed, we decided to give it to her this weekend. We put it in the middle of the living room while she napped. Here she is checking it out....

"Well, what do we have here?"
"Better, recover the baby. Somebody has done it all wrong!"
Now you can't hear through pictures, but if you were there in person, this is what you hear Kiera saying in a very low, sweet voice:
"It's Ok baby. Want some butters (covers)? Pat Pat. Ok baby."
over and over! It is the sweetest thing!!!
"Hey, I just woke up. But, I LOVE my new baby bed!"

Sweet Kiera with sweet Sofia.

Calling Grandma to thank her!
I am so excited this worked out. I really wanted her to have it. I know you can buy them for cheap at Walmart, but this is heirloom quality. I would like to keep it for all my kids and grandkids. I hope I never forget how it came to be in my home. I truly walked away from that booth sad. God works in amazing ways!


Staci said...

I all about the quality. It's so beautiful!

Kim H. said...

That is such a sweet story. I'm glad that Kiera gets to grow up with such a neat baby bed to play with.

Freckles Fotography said...

Thats awesome!! So cute!

Katja Stahr-Long said...

Just look at Boo and her baby!! So precious. How wonderful that it worked out! God is good.