Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week In Review

Jan 15
Recovering in Methodist from Lingual Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Iphone kept us connected to the world and quite happy!
Jan 16
Feeding our Twilight Addiction
This is book 2 of the series, New Moon.
This series is EXCELLENT and completely addictive. Kevin and I have been curling at night reading them at the same time from the same sweet!
Jan. 17
Doing Puzzles
We did a family puzzle together and Kiera loved it (although she was not much help)
Since then we went out and bought another puzzle (with a few hundred more pieces). It is a great way to relax and recover from a surgery!

Jan. 18th
The worse day of far! I spent ALL day on the couch!
So, the PoD (Picture of the Day) were the beautiful flowers Kevin got me.
Jan. 19th
Cheryl came over to give me the cash for the Retreat. Kevin was showing off his camera since she is in the market for things (like fancy flashes) to add to her new camera.

Jan. 20th

Kevin's assitant

Jan. 21st
Lazy days of recovery
Kevin added a spelling game to his Iphone for Kiera and she LOVES it! She could easily spend hours playing (of course we don't let her, but we are not against giving her the game while we are the phone). This is her playing the game while Kevin was on the phone with the insurance regarding the RE (another post for another day). She got herself quite comfortble.

That is our week in review, but we can't leave without giving you a sneak peak at the first picture for next week's post ( I do my Week in Reviews on Thursday covering the previous Thursday-Wednesday because Jan. 1st fell on a Thursday):

We have doors!!!

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

Looks like a lovely relaxing week at the Simpsons - I'm so glad that your surgery and recovery went so well.