Monday, December 29, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

So, this was the year we were supposed to stay home and celebrate Christmas with just the three of us.

Just a week before, we got the most amazing gift from my parents, so we decided to come in and celebrate the Holidays with them. After all, the holidays should be spent with family.
So, now some of you have been waiting to hear what the big surprise is and why God is so good....

Well wait no longer, but first let me build a little suspense by giving you some background info...

We all know the economy is horrible and has affected nearly everyone. It definately affected our house in pay and in hours that Kevin was able to work, so it is like a double whammy. The WITs job never panned out, so we have had to watch every penny. Thankfully, we are able to pay all our bills, put food on the table, and still have a few extra bucks each month to go out and eat. The problem is that there is no wiggle room and when something happens we don't have the funds to turn to. You all know I have to have a throat surgery in January and unfortunately those are not free. But, I know as long as you are making some sort of payment to a Dr. they will leave you alone. Now, our other big expense is not as forgiving when it comes to money, nor is it something we will put on the back burner!

It is to have a second child.

I could go on and on about how unfair it is not only to not be able to have a child, but to not be able to afford one. Well, we all know our Lord is not about fairness, so I will not sulk in my misery.

Kevin and I started brainstorming last week as to how we could afford the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) that we so desperately wanted. There were basically two ways:

1. Sell the truck and hope it sells and use one car for at least a year
2. Send me back to work for at least a year.

We discussed both ways and decided to go with the former since the latter would be very hard on our family. Kevin and I would hardly see each other, Kiera would be in daycare, and my stress level would increase drastically while I tried to balance all the demands put upon me.

Not two days laterafter making the final decision to sell the truck and go to one (quite unrealiable) car, did my mom call and give me the most wonderful news. My stepfather had been working on a project for many years and a settlement was reached when things got a little ugly. Instead of a percentage of the sale, he was given a one time payment. The money hit their bank last Friday and they decided to give each child a monetary gift. The money they gave us was more than enough to cover the surgery and have a child or two!!! I cried and cried on the phone as the timing could not have been more perfect. It was then decided that we would come in and celebrate. The following Monday I called and made my FET appointment for Jan. 5th. One of the questions my mom asked me was if I had been praying for her. Well, I do pray for her often, but as of late, I had not been. Well, I forgot that for the past six months Kevin had been praying with Kiera for a little brother. Oh God is good. Oh so good!

So, here we are in El Paso with our families. We spent Christmas Eve in Aimee's new house as well as Christmas morning. Then we headed over to Kevin's parents for another Christmas. Kevin had to leave that afternoon and Kiera and I had Christmas dinner with my parents, my sister's family and a few of her friends and their families. I have also been spending quite a bit of time at Kevin's parents scrapbooking my time away with his aunt. She drove in from Arkansas and brought a whole room of scrapbooking stuff with is great! I got some really neat stuff for Christmas (including the Iphone:) ), but the real gift is the gift of family and the ability to expand it!

Here are some pictures from our holiday:
Kiera's favorite gift by far was the set of foam letters and numbers she got from Santa. I told Santa she would love them after we took the little foam ducks everywhere with us. Much to our surprise, she knows all of her numbers and about 20 of her letters. I was trying to think when she could have been taught all this valuable information because I don't typically sit down and teach her. Then I recalled the million times we have read the Numbers book and the ABC book. Turns out she really was listening. Hmmm!

It was definately, a Holiday of babies. Kiera got three of them which included a set of twins. Perhaps we need more cradles? Maybe bunk bed cradles?
Here is one from her great grandmother:

I made these polymer clay elves for gifts. I worked very hard on them and am quite proud of my finished product. I think they are the cutest things and so did my mom and sister!
Here is my mom and sister looking at them:

Granny Rebecca opening gifts with little Miss Kiera:

My mom and Stepfather enjoying the holiday at my sisters:

It truly was a wonderful holiday. I am sorry I ever wished it to be over.
I had no idea how very merry it truly could be!


Kim H. said...

Oh my gosh Jenn! I am so excited for you - that is a WONDERFUL gift to be given. My 2009 be filled with joy and babies for us both!

Staci said...

Twin baby dolls.....oooo maybe it's a sign!