Friday, January 9, 2009

Week in Review....

One of things I would like to do this year is take one picture every day. I will scrapbook them by week and have our life chronicled over a year. Seems like a lot, but if I take it one day at a time (pun intended) I should be able to do it. Each week, I will blog about our week. So without further ado, here is week one in the Simpson household:

January 1st
I spend most of my day scrapbooking with Kevin's aunt.
I sure do enjoy passing the time cutting and pasting.

January 2nd

Kiera and I spent the entire day trying to get back to Houston. Here she is with some wings and a Coke in between her legs. I give up on trying to keep her healthy while flying. I let her splurge on snacks. Works like a charm. This is also the day I swore off flying standby during the holidays!

January 3rd

Santa left quite a present for Kiera while we were away...the dollhouse.
Kiera loves it.
Obviously she needs a maid!

January 4th
After being away for ten days, I come home to quite a crop of homegrown lettuce.

January 5th

Christmas at the Simpsons.
Yah, I know...a little late. That is what happens when you are gone so much! I got a Scrabble game (and some other things) which I love! Kevin beat me on our first game together on that board. I got Kevin a sushi making kit which I can't wait to try out!

January 6th
This is what happens when you put Kevin in charge of naptime. He lays Kiera in bed with him and waits to attracts Kitties. Kiera absolutely loves Onyx. She will actually lay on her and allow Kiera to pet her and love on her.

January 7th
Orion on Oreo's bed.
Strange cat considering he hates the dog.
Maybe it is a sign of dominance to lay on someone's bed?

Week one down. 51 more to go!


Katja Stahr-Long said...

I love how you got the sushi making kit for Keving but "you" can't wait to try it!! Make sure to call me over for the sushi meal!! YUUMMM

Staci said...

I am honored that you scrapped my reindeer food. I am also jealous I haven't even scrapped my babies
1st birthday from october. We got a sushi set from my sister that we can't wait to try. Let me know if you try yours first.

Kim H. said...

That's really fun Jen! I love the idea of a picture each day... I can't wait to see how this continues throughout the year.