Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Backward not Forward

We heard it can happen, sometimes kids regress. It usually happens around the toddler years and almost always coincides with the birth of a new baby or a major family change, such as a move. But, really we have no explanation as to why our little one decided to regress to babyhood. Maybe it's because we allowed her to:

This is Preston's paci (yes, as in Staci's Preston). He probably is in Canada missing his paci and red doggie. But don't worry Preston, Kiera is taking great care of it and will bring it back to you in April...saliva and all. Now folks, don't worry, Kiera is not a paci-baby. We hide it again everytime she spots it and then forgot she spotted it. I don't think it is good parenting to allow your toddler to start the paci habit.

So, this a baby carseat. This was given to us to donate to The Source. It has been sitting in our garage ever since the Hurricane waiting for me to take it to be donated. Turns out they won't take used carseats. They told me to cut the straps and throw it away. Now, how can I? Kiera loves it. In the above, picture she is watching Elmo from her carseat. I think you know you have a problem when your little girl says, "Mommy, car seat in Mommy's chair" which translates to, "Mommy, I want you to put my carseat in your armchair and then I will sit in it." I had to draw the line somewhere and tell her NO!!!
You must be thinking that this poor child has no toys so she has to find other's people trash or personal items to call her own treasures.....oh no, she has tons of toys. Heck, she has a dollhouse with a zoo inside, not mention more babies than Target, but yet, she chooses old baby toys and other peoples possessions to spend her attention on. Well, at least Christmas will be cheap this year.

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

Oh my gosh - how funny! I'm sure it's just a phase... but be sure add the photo memories into her scrapbook. :-)