Friday, February 20, 2009

Q and A answers

Staci asked...
What does Kevin think about all the airplane mishaps these days?
He doesn't say much. Whenever we view a pilot as a hero (like the pilot who put the plane down in the Hudson), he just views this as part of the job. He is always very interested to see if a plane crash is the result of a pilot error or a mechanical difficulty. I believe he feels he is very safe and well trained to keep himself and his passengers out of trouble.

How many flight hours does he have?
More than 5,000! When I met him he had 800 and we thought that was a lot.

Where do you see yourself in 5 & 10years?
Wow, this is a hard question (and I remember asking it to you)
In 5~
Kiera will be in first grade and hopefully will have 1 or 2 little siblings. I hope to still be at home because I want to be! I hope to be working part time for CCM and actually getting paid!!! But, I am not against co-owning my own business with a friend ;) I hope to still be in Houston, but working on getting a vacation home in a different part of the country. Hopefully Kevin will have a job at a major airline or at least doing something that is involves flying.
In 10~
Kiera will be in twelth grade (OMG!). Pretty much the same dreams as in 5 except I will have a rockin' body because I will be done with kids and fit at 40!! ok, you can stop laughing now! I hope to have a main home in a big city and a cozy little cabin that we can escape to!

Kim H. asked...
What does Kevin think about you being the brain child of Cypress Calling? (I'm sure he's extremely proud!!)
Well, I would love to say that he is simply amazed and dotes on me constantly, but tis not true. Kevin hasn't really expressed many feelings other than we always say we never imagined me running a ministry. But they do say that actions speak louder than words and Kevin's actions speak very loudly. He is very supportive of the ministry. He gives a good percentage of his hard earned money to CCM. He also has gone and helped with a few of our endeavors such as Life house. And he always watches Kiera when I do ministry work, even if this involves a whole weekend (like the retreat!) He never complains about the ministry, but is cautiously optimistic.

Does Kiera show any signs yet that she will be as into craft projects as you are? Or love entertaining? Or have great leadership skills?
Yes to crafts! Her teachers always comment on her advanced ability when they do crafts. They always ask if I spend time working with her with crafts. I don't very often:( They also say they can always tell Kiera's projects because she always spends the most time on hers.
Besides the crafty side of Kiera, she is all Kevin. She has not shown leadership skills yet, but I know it is awfully early. Not sure about entertaining either. Maybe we need to have few tea parties to see!

Kevin Simpson asked...
Will Kiera ever figure out the new shoe closet?
Yes, she already has!

Kiera wants to know if she can have an extension cord in her crib so that her night-light will work?
Absolutely not, she will electrocute herself.

Which one of our cars would win a drag race?
Probably the Truck since it could run over its competition

Would Kiera have more fun with a baby brother or sister?
I know she would enjoy either, but in the long run probably a sister.

What's for dinner?
I don't remember was for dinner the night you are asking about, but I do know what is for dinner tonight....spaghetti.

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