How can a stay at home mom need a secretary, a maid, and a chauffeur? I have been asking myself that question lately. I feel so busy all the time and I am desperately trying to find the balance in life. I could use a secretary to help me keep up my calendar and send me daily reminders of what needs to be done. Also my secretary could help out with the CCM stuff and write a few blog entries.
Unfortunately, I just have this:
This is my new invention after talking to my good friend, Staci! I asked her how she gets everything done and she said she makes a to-do list every morning. Brilliant, I tell ya! I thought this was a great idea! I decided to call mine the Top 5! Each day, I will list five things I want to get done in no particular order. I know I will get more than that done because remember, I have no secretary, maid or chauffeur ;)
So I started today and am happy to report that I am on the 3rd thing on my list and it is just after noon! I have been home over two years now and can sadly say that I am busier now that I ever was working. Of course, this mainly has to do with Kiera, but when you don't have a SET schedule, you tend to take too much on and become overwhelmed. Also, when you spend the majority of your time at home you have to cook and clean more.
Oh Genie, is it too late to add personal chef to my list???
Second wish = a maid.
All of you dear readers know why a maid would be helpful.
For now, this will do:
I have also taught her to:
put away the silverware
throw away her trash after a meal (but not the plate ;)
put (or throw!)her cup in the dishwasher
clean up anything on the floor (including kitty barf---yep, go me!!!)
throw away dirty diapers
clean windows
clean up her toys and books
Now if she could FOLD the laundry instead of UNFOLD the laundry, I might start paying her!
Onto my next wish. Might as well have three since that is what a genie would give me if I could just find that magic lamp! Anyway, I would love a chauffeur. You see, I hate driving in Houston. The traffic is relentless and the drivers are impatient. The two together equals disaster! I could get so much done while we driving to and fro.
But for now, he will do:
He is simply amazing!
So, as I sit and peek a glimpse at life with tons of help, I remember why I am so busy and why I have no professional help:
All because of this little ball of sweetness! I would give up so much more in order to stay home and raise her. Even if I feel like I am juggling all the balls of life and occasionally dropping one here and there, the reason is always clear...I don't need my own chauffeur, maid, or secretary...
I am a MOM!
Genie, can I change my wishes to:
perfect body
perfect health
a log cabin in the mountains?
How cute - and such a sweet post. Somehow you make it all look easy - even when you need help. :-)
I tell ya I am the one who puts the most pressure on ME!!! The list has helped me a ton, now if I could only remember where I put it! HA Just kidding. If I didn't have the list I would sit on the computer all day while my kids destroyed the house.
Soooooo jealous the Kiera is wearing SHORTS!!!
So sweet!!
I hear ya girl.. I feel the same way. And the lists really do help. I DO forget all that needs to be done and WILL end up on the computer.. Though now I am having a hard time finding time to sit down and actually make a list!
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